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Dictionary Suite
boondoggle unnecessary, wasteful, or impractical work; make-work. [2/3 definitions]
consumptive inclined to consume; wasteful. [1/4 definitions]
dissipation wasteful using or spending, esp. in the dissolute pursuit of pleasure. [1/2 definitions]
economize to practice thrift; avoid wasteful expenditure; be economical. [1/2 definitions]
improvident not providing for future needs; careless; wasteful.
inefficient using excessive time or means to produce or achieve results; wasteful; uneconomical. [1/2 definitions]
spendthrift one who is extravagant or wasteful with money; squanderer. [2 definitions]
take up to fill or use (space or time), sometimes in a way that is considered wasteful. [1/5 definitions]
thriftless lacking thrift; careless with money; improvident; wasteful.
wastrel someone who is wasteful, esp. with money. [1/2 definitions]