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box3 a hardwood evergreen shrub or tree used ornamentally. [1/2 definitions]
buttonwood a North American tree related to the sycamore, which bears a nonedible button-shaped fruit and yields hardwood suitable for timber.
deadeye one of a pair of hardwood disks with holes and concave rims through and around which certain rigging ropes are passed, used esp. to tighten the stays and shrouds of sailing vessels. [1/2 definitions]
mahogany any of several related trees of the American tropics that yield a dark, reddish hardwood. [1/4 definitions]
maple any of numerous related deciduous hardwood trees found in temperate zones, cultivated as ornamentals or for their wood or sweet sap. [1/2 definitions]
marimba a large musical instrument similar to a xylophone, consisting of a series of graduated hardwood bars, usu. with resonators beneath them, that are struck with small mallets.