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battle cry a shout or cry of determination or enthusiasm given by troops in battle. [1/2 definitions]
bawl to cry or shout in a loud and insistent voice. [1/3 definitions]
bellow to shout loudly and with a deep tone. [1/5 definitions]
boo to shout or cry "boo". [1/5 definitions]
bravo a shout of "bravo". [1/4 definitions]
bray1 to shout the harsh, breathy cry of a donkey. [1/5 definitions]
call to shout or cry out. [3/22 definitions]
clamor to exclaim or shout loudly or persistently. [1/6 definitions]
cry to utter a loud noise such as a shout or yell (sometimes fol. by "out"). [3/11 definitions]
hail1 a cry or shout to greet or attract the attention of someone. [1/7 definitions]
hallo to call or shout to. [1/6 definitions]
halloo a shout or call used to attract someone's attention or to urge on hounds, esp. while fox hunting. [1/3 definitions]
holler (informal) to cry out, yell, or shout. [3/5 definitions]
hoot to utter a loud, harsh shout or cry, esp. of disapproval or scorn. [2/7 definitions]
hosanna a cry or shout of "hosanna". [1/4 definitions]
hurrah to shout cheers, as of "hurrah!" [2/4 definitions]
outcry a loud cry, shout, or uproar. [1/2 definitions]
outshout combined form of shout.
roar to utter a prolonged cry or shout that is both deep and loud. [3/8 definitions]
scream to speak or shout in a shrill, threatening, or angry tone. [1/6 definitions]
tallyho a shout of "tallyho". [2/3 definitions]