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American cheese a mild processed cheese, usu. made from cheddar.
antipasto in Italian cookery, an appetizer course including smoked meats, olives, fresh and pickled vegetables, cheese, and other foods.
au gratin coated or covered with bread crumbs, and sometimes butter or cheese, and baked until brown.
beignet a square-shaped piece of fried dough topped with powdered sugar, sometimes filled with chocolate, cheese, fruit, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
bleu cheese see "blue cheese."
blintz a thin pancake folded to enclose a fruit or cheese filling.
blue cheese a rich strong-flavored semisoft cheese made of cow's milk and veined with blue mold.
brick cheese a brick-shaped semisoft American cheese.
burrito in Mexican cooking, a flour tortilla stuffed with meat, cheese, beans, or the like.
Caesar salad a green salad topped with grated cheese, croutons, and anchovies and a dressing of olive oil, egg, lemon juice, and garlic.
calzone an Italian dish consisting of a pizza-dough shell filled with meat, cheese, vegetables, or the like.
Camembert a rich creamy cheese with a soft center.
canapé a cracker or small piece of bread or toast spread with cheese, meat, or other appealing food and served as an appetizer.
cannelloni (usu. used with a sing. verb) large tubes of pasta which are usu. boiled, stuffed with meat or cheese, and baked in a sauce.
carbonara designating pasta that is covered with a mild cheese sauce made up of eggs, bacon, onion, and parmesan cheese.
casefy to make or become like cheese.
casein a protein derived from milk, used in making cheese and certain plastics. [1/2 definitions]
caseous of or like cheese; cheesy.
cheddar (sometimes cap.) a smooth hard cheese that varies in taste from mild to very sharp.
cheese a substance similar to cheese in consistency and form. [1/3 definitions]
cheeseburger a hamburger patty cooked with cheese on it.