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apprehensible able to be perceived or understood.
dawn on someone to come into one's mind as something newly realized or understood.
distinct plainly seen, heard, or understood; unmistakable or evident. [1/4 definitions]
double take a sudden second look or other delayed reaction indicating that the real significance of a sight, remark, or situation has just been understood.
encrypt to put (information) into a code, thus protecting it from being read and understood by those not authorized to have access to the information.
esoteric understood or known only by a few persons who have special training, access, or interests. [1/2 definitions]
get across to make (a point or idea) clearly understood to a listener or reader. [2 definitions]
idiom a verbal expression that cannot be understood merely by knowing the individual meanings of its elements, as with the phrase "break down," meaning "to lose one's mental stability." [1/4 definitions]
idiomatic of an expression or usage of words, peculiar within a particular language itself, esp. having a meaning that cannot be understood from the individual meanings of elements. [1/4 definitions]
inconceivable incapable of being imagined or understood; unthinkable. [1/2 definitions]
intelligible capable of being clearly understood; comprehensible.
knowable capable of being understood or known.
known that is understood; that has been discovered. [1/3 definitions]
man in the street a common, ordinary man; average citizen (usu. understood to include women).
mean1 to signal a particular idea or message that can be understood; signify. [1/9 definitions]
misunderstood not understood or interpreted correctly. [1/2 definitions]
mood2 in grammar, a kind of verb inflection that indicates the way in which the speaker intends an utterance to be understood, whether as a wish or supposition, a demand, or a fact; mode.
noetic of or pertaining to the intellect; understood only by the mind or through the reasoning process.
obvious easily understood, recognized, or seen; apparent. [1/2 definitions]
opaque not easily understood; unclear. [1/6 definitions]
perceived as it seems in the mind; supposed.