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Dictionary Suite
allosaurus any of various large meat-eating dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
brontosaur a huge, herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
Cretaceous the Cretaceous Period, or the rock formations that date from that time.
iguanodon any of a family of plant-eating dinosaurs of the Cretaceous period that walked on two legs and had a long, heavy tail.
Jurassic of, relating to, or designating the geological period between the Triassic and Cretaceous of the Mesozoic Era, from approximately 180 million to 135 million years ago, when primitive birds appeared and conifers were prominent. [1/2 definitions]
T. rex shortened form of "Tyrannosaurus rex," a large carnivorous North American dinosaur of the Cretaceous period that had small forelimbs and walked on its hind legs; tyrannosaur.
triceratops any of several three-horned, plant-eating dinosaurs of the Cretaceous period that had a bony plate covering the neck area.
Tyrannosaur a large carnivorous North American dinosaur of the Cretaceous period that had small forelimbs and walked on its hind legs; Tyrannosaurus rex.
Tyrannosaurus rex a large carnivorous North American dinosaur of the Cretaceous period that had small forelimbs and walked on its hind legs (often shortened to "T. rex"); Tyrannosaur.