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Dictionary Suite
adenocarcinoma a malignant tumor formed in the glandular epithelium.
angiosarcoma a malignant vascular tumor.
benign in pathology, not malignant. [1/4 definitions]
benignant in pathology, not malignant; benign. [1/3 definitions]
blackhead a malignant, infectious, and often fatal disease of the liver and intestines of domestic and wild fowl. [1/3 definitions]
blight any such malignant condition or force. [1/5 definitions]
cancer any of various diseases characterized by malignant tumors or other tissue degeneration that can spread locally or through the lymph or blood systems. [1/5 definitions]
carcinoma a malignant tumor consisting of epithelial cells; cancer.
chemotherapy the science or practice of destroying disease-causing microorganisms or malignant tissue by use of chemicals, esp. toxic ones.
lymphoma a usually malignant tumor of lymphoid tissue.
malignancy the state or quality of being malignant. [3 definitions]
melanoma a malignant tumor, esp. of the skin or eye, that is darkly pigmented with melanin.
mesothelioma a tumor of the mesothelium, often malignant and possibly caused by the breathing in of particles of asbestos.
metastasis the transfer of disease or malignant cells from one part of the body to another through the blood, lymph, or membranes, or the resulting condition, as in tuberculosis or cancerous tumors. [1/2 definitions]
metastasize to spread to other parts of the body, as cells of a malignant tumor.
myeloma a malignant tumor affecting bone marrow.
nonmalignant combined form of malignant.
sarcoma a malignant tumor that starts in the connective tissue of the body and spreads to other parts, esp. bone.
virulent aggressively malignant, infectious, or disease-producing. [1/3 definitions]
wicked marked by heartless cruelty; malicious; malignant. [1/5 definitions]