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atrabilious sad, gloomy, or melancholy. [1/2 definitions]
blue depressed; melancholy. [1/8 definitions]
blues (used with a pl. verb) a state of melancholy or depression. [1/2 definitions]
Byronic of, concerning, or resembling Byron or his works, esp. by being melodramatic, passionate, melancholy, or ironic.
dejection lowness of spirits; depression or melancholy.
disconsolate marked by or causing melancholy or dejection. [1/2 definitions]
doleful full of sadness, sorrow, or melancholy. [1/2 definitions]
downbeat melancholy or pessimistic. [1/3 definitions]
gloom a mood or atmosphere of sadness or melancholy. [3/5 definitions]
gloomy exhibiting or filled with gloom; sad; melancholy. [1/3 definitions]
heavy-hearted burdened by sadness; depressed; dejected; melancholy.
languish to yearn or long for someone, esp. in a melancholy way. [1/3 definitions]
liverish having or displaying a disagreeable, sour, or melancholy personality; irritable. [1/3 definitions]
melancholic suffering or inclined to suffer from melancholy; sad, gloomy, or depressed. [1/2 definitions]
oboe a slender double-reed woodwind instrument, consisting of a long, usu. wooden tube with finger holes or keys along it, which makes a penetrating, melancholy sound.
somber gloomy, melancholy, or dismal. [1/2 definitions]
sunless gloomy, bleak, or melancholy. [1/2 definitions]
Weltschmerz world pain (German); pessimism or melancholy, esp. over lamentable conditions in the world.