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Dictionary Suite
divisive constituting or expressing partition or distribution. [1/2 definitions]
ring1 an enclosure or partition for a sports event, contest, or exhibition; arena. [1/14 definitions]
rood screen an ornamental screen or partition, usu. surmounted by a crucifix, that separates the choir or chancel from the nave of a church.
septum in biology, a thin membrane or other partition that separates two cavities or two masses of soft tissue.
studding the supporting framework of a wall or partition, or the posts used for this purpose; studs collectively. [1/2 definitions]
velum a thin, veillike membrane or membranous covering or partition, esp. the soft palate.
wicket a small opening in a wall, usu. covered by a grill or glass, such as a ticket window or bank teller's partition. [1/6 definitions]