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abatis an obstacle constructed by bending and sharpening the branches of trees or implanting sharpened limbs in a soil barricade, sometimes interlaced with barbed wire.
ABC soil a soil made up of three distinct layers, the A, or top layer, being humus and organic matter, the B layer being clay and oxidized material, and the C layer being loose rock and mineral materials.
acidic containing a high proportion of acid-forming silica, as rocks or soil. [1/3 definitions]
actinomycin any of several antibiotics derived from soil bacteria that work against certain other bacteria and fungi.
agro- soil; earth; field.
agrobiology the applied science of plant growth and nutrition aimed at improving soil conditions and crop yield.
agronomy the study and application of scientific methods of soil management and field crop production; scientific agriculture.
A horizon the uppermost layer of soil in a geological soil profile; topsoil.
alkali a soluble salt found in some soil composition, making it unfit for agriculture. [1/2 definitions]
alkaline of soil, having a pH above seven. [1/2 definitions]
alkalinize to add salt to (soil). [1/2 definitions]
alluvium sand, soil, gravel, or the like deposited by moving water, as along a river bed. (Cf. eluvium.)
ammonification the formation of ammonia by bacterial action on nitrogenous organic matter, as in soil. [1/2 definitions]
angle of repose the greatest angle of incline at which sand, stones, soil, or the like will not slide or roll downhill.
aquiculture the growing of plants, often for their edible fruits, in nutrient water or water-soaked inert material rather than in soil; hydroponics. [1/2 definitions]
arenaceous growing in sand or sandy soil. [1/2 definitions]
barren (usu. pl.) flat or slightly sloping area of infertile soil and scrubby vegetation. [1/5 definitions]
bedrock the solid layer of rock in the earth's surface, usu. beneath soil, sand, gravel, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
begrime to soil with or as though with grime; make grimy.
besmear to stain or soil by, or as if by, smearing.
besmirch to tarnish or soil. [1/2 definitions]