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Dictionary Suite
appanage a grant of land or revenue made by a king or queen to a dependent member of the royal family. [1/2 definitions]
internal revenue government revenue that is derived from domestic sources, such as taxes on income, profits, luxuries, and amusements.
IRS abbreviation of Internal Revenue Service, the US government agency responsible for administering and enforcing federal tax laws and collecting federal taxes.
Laffer Curve a graph illustrating the theory that increasing taxes results in increased government revenue only up to a certain point, after which further tax increases discourage production and investment.
payload the revenue-producing number or weight of passengers, cargo, or the like that a vehicle can or does carry. [1/3 definitions]
prebend the land or other source of revenue that finances this stipend. [1/3 definitions]
single tax a tax, as on real estate, that provides the entire revenue of a tax-levying entity.
surplus the excess of revenue in a budget or business over a given period of time. [1/3 definitions]
treasury (cap.) the government department responsible for public revenue. [1/4 definitions]