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Dictionary Suite
admiral any of a family of brightly colored, medium to large-sized butterflies, found worldwide. [1/2 definitions]
bantam (often cap.) a member of a small-sized breed of chicken, sometimes the miniature version of a larger breed. [1/3 definitions]
bell pepper the apple-sized fruit of this plant, usu. red when ripe but often eaten green; sweet pepper. [1/2 definitions]
brown recluse spider a highly poisonous, medium-sized brown spider that has a dark, violin-shaped mark on its body.
buckshot large-sized lead pellets fired by a shotgun.
CD1 abbreviation of "compact disk," a palm-sized disk on which music, data, or the like has been digitally encoded, that is read by laser and transmitted to a playback device; optical disk.
chow2 a stocky, medium-sized dog of Chinese origin that has a thick red or black coat, a blackish tongue, and a tail that curls over the back.
compact disk a palm-sized disk on which music, data, or the like has been digitally encoded, that is read by laser and transmitted to a playback device.
containerize to ship (cargo) in large, standard-sized containers.
crappie either of two medium-sized members of the sunfish family, found in streams and lakes in the central and eastern United States.
cruiser a medium-sized, fast warship with a great range. [1/4 definitions]
dichotomy in botany, the characteristic of branching or dividing into two equal-sized limbs, veins, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
drink a certain quantity of an alcoholic beverage, esp. that contained in a standard-sized glass or bottle. [1/12 definitions]
English setter a breed of medium-sized bird dog with long white silky hair mottled with black or brown markings.
Eskimo dog any of several medium-sized strong dogs with a thick coat and a wolflike appearance, used in arctic regions for pulling sleds; husky.
foxhound any one of several breeds of medium-sized short-haired hounds often trained to hunt foxes.
frigate a fast, medium-sized, armed sailing vessel used in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. [1/2 definitions]
fritillary any of a number of medium-sized butterflies with brownish wings that are spotted on the undersides with black and silver. [1/2 definitions]
Gordon setter any of a Scottish breed of medium-sized hunting dog having a soft, silky black and tan coat.
gray whale a medium-sized mostly gray or black whalebone whale of the North Pacific.
iPod trademark for a pocket-sized digital audio player with a large storage capacity, primarily used to collect and play back downloaded digital music files.