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anomie a breakdown or lack of values, norms, or structure in a society. [2/3 definitions]
atresia the normal breakdown of mature ovarian follicles that occurs after ovulation. [1/2 definitions]
bilirubin a reddish-yellow pigment that is formed from the breakdown of heme. Elevated levels in blood are responsible for the yellow color in bruises and in jaundice.
catabolism the metabolic breakdown, in living organisms, of complex substances into simpler ones. (Cf. anabolism.)
collapse a sudden breakdown, as from stress or disease. [1/7 definitions]
creatinine a waste product produced in muscle from the breakdown of creatine. Elevated levels in blood indicate impaired kidney function.
digest to soften or promote the breakdown of a substance, as by chemical action or heat. [1/8 definitions]
erepsin an enzyme mixture in the small intestines that contributes to the breakdown of proteins into amino acids.
fail-safe protected against failure or breakdown, as by a compensatory or back-up mechanism that begins to function automatically in an emergency. [1/5 definitions]
fatigue mechanical failure or breakdown because of stress. [2/8 definitions]
fibrinolysis the breakdown of fibrin in blood clots, esp. by enzymes.
fibrinolytic of or pertaining to the breakdown of fibrin in blood clots.
foul-up (informal) confusion or breakdown caused by human error or mismanagement, or by mechanical failure. [1/2 definitions]
histolysis the breakdown and decomposition of organic tissue.
neurasthenia a condition of exhaustion, confusion, and depression resulting from profound mental or emotional strain; nervous breakdown.
photolysis the chemical breakdown or decomposition of matter caused by the absorption of light.
proteose any of several water-soluble compounds derived from the breakdown of proteins during digestion.
tie-up a temporary stoppage, as of traffic, service, or production, caused by some obstruction, accident, breakdown, or the like.
unstrung suffering from an emotional upset or breakdown; unnerved. [1/3 definitions]