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cathect in psychoanalysis, to invest feeling or emotion in someone or something external to oneself.
crown to invest with sovereign power; enthrone. [1/21 definitions]
embark to involve or invest in a venture. [1/4 definitions]
investable combined form of invest.
plunge (informal) to speculate, or invest money recklessly. [1/8 definitions]
rusticate to invest with rustic manners, appearance, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
sink to place (money) in a venture; invest. [1/11 definitions]
tranche one of several portions of a bond or other financial product that has been separated out by risk, maturity, or other factors so as to suit the needs of different investors who could not invest in the whole. [1/2 definitions]
vest to place something in the possession or control of; invest or endow. [1/8 definitions]