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Dictionary Suite
abstraction an impractical, unrealistic notion. [1/4 definitions]
boondoggle unnecessary, wasteful, or impractical work; make-work. [2/3 definitions]
crackpot (informal) of an eccentric, bizarre, or impractical nature. [1/2 definitions]
crazy illogical or impractical; silly; nonsensical. [1/8 definitions]
do-gooder (informal) a social or political reformer who is considered to be naive or impractical.
Don Quixote the idealistic but impractical protagonist and title character of a seventeenth-century Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes.
fantast one given to fanciful, impractical dreams; visionary.
romantic impractical or overly idealized; fanciful. [2/8 definitions]
stargazer one whose notions are idealistic and impractical. [1/3 definitions]
unrealistic not based on reality, esp. with regard to its limits or dimensions; visionary, fantastic, or impractical.
utopian of or pertaining to a desirable but impractical perfection in political and social life, or characterizing one who imagines or proposes such a perfection. [1/3 definitions]
visionary characterized by whimsical notions or impractical plans. [2/7 definitions]
wild unreasonable; impractical; imprudent. [1/15 definitions]