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carry to have in stock. [1/16 definitions]
commedia dell'arte a type of Italian comedy developed in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries in which masked players depicted stereotyped characters in stock situations.
inventory the actual items referred to on such a list, collectively, esp. merchandise or materials in stock. [1/5 definitions]
mutual fund a fund managed by an investment company that raises money from shareholders and invests it in stocks, bonds, options, and the like.
off-the-shelf designating merchandise that is in stock and ready for use. [1/2 definitions]
open stock a type of merchandising in which single pieces of goods usu. sold in sets, such as flatware, glassware, or china, are kept in stock to be sold individually as replacement or supplements.
raid a mutual effort by numerous speculators to drive down the prices of certain stocks by selling them. [1/7 definitions]
soup a liquid food usu. consisting of small pieces of vegetables, meat, fish, or the like cooked in stock or water. [1/2 definitions]
stock exchange an association of brokers and dealers in stocks and bonds. [1/2 definitions]
upside an upward turn, as in stock prices. [1/3 definitions]