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challenge to make or issue a challenge. [1/7 definitions]
contest to challenge, deny, or dispute. [1/5 definitions]
dare to provoke or challenge (someone) into doing something dangerous or adventurous as a test of courage. [2/4 definitions]
defiance a provocation or challenge for combat. [1/3 definitions]
defy to resist or challenge openly; act against the wishes or decrees of. [2/3 definitions]
dispute to question the value, validity, or correctness of; challenge. [1/7 definitions]
Fred Toyosaburo Korematsu an American of Japanese descent who, during World War II, was one of only a few Japanese-Americans to openly defy the relocation orders of the U.S. Government. Korematsu was arrested and sent to an internment center in 1942, and his challenge to the constitutionality of forced relocation was ruled against by the Supreme Court in 1944 in Korematsu v. United States (b.1919--d.2005).
Freedom Ride any of the bus trips taken by civil rights activists in the 1960s which served to highlight and challenge racial discrimination in the U.S.
gage1 an object, such as a glove, thrown down as a symbol of a promise or challenge to fight. [1/2 definitions]
heretic anyone who holds opinions or beliefs that challenge deeply established social, political, or religious views. [1/2 definitions]
impugn to call into question; challenge or try to discredit.
James Farmer American civil rights activist and strong believer in non-violent protest against injustice. Farmer was an initiator of the Freedom Rides in the early 1960s, which served to highlight and challenge racial segregation and discrimination in the U.S. (b.1920--d. 1999).
make waves to do something, such as voicing a complaint or introducing some new element, that causes a disturbance or represents a challenge to the way things are done.
patient having or showing forbearance when faced with opposition or challenge from others. [1/7 definitions]
rechallenge combined form of challenge.
take up the gauntlet to agree to a challenge, esp. to a fight.
taunt to reproach, deride, or challenge in scornful, insulting language; jeer at. [1/2 definitions]
throw down the gauntlet to challenge another, esp. to a fight.
undertake to take on (a task, project, challenge or the like); decide or start to do. [1/2 definitions]
uphold to support or affirm, esp. in the face of a challenge. [1/2 definitions]