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ascidium a saclike or pitcherlike part of a plant, such as the leaf of the bladderwort or pitcher plant.
balk in baseball, an unpermitted, usu. deceptive, motion by a pitcher with one or more runners on base. [1/7 definitions]
catcher in baseball, the player who squats behind the batter at home plate and catches balls thrown by the pitcher. [1/2 definitions]
designated hitter in the American League in baseball, a team member chosen at the beginning of a game to bat in place of the pitcher.
DH abbreviation of "designated hitter," in the American League in baseball, a team member chosen at the beginning of a game to bat in place of the pitcher.
ewer a vaselike, wide-mouthed pitcher or jug.
mound in baseball, a slightly raised hard-packed hill of dirt from which the pitcher throws. [1/6 definitions]
no-hitter a baseball game in which a pitcher does not let the opposing team score any hits.
open-mouthed of a jar or pitcher, having a wide mouth. [1/4 definitions]
pitch1 of the pitcher in baseball or softball, to throw (a ball) toward the batter. [5/23 definitions]
relief pitcher in baseball, a pitcher brought into a game to relieve another pitcher, often at a crucial moment. [2 definitions]
southpaw (informal) one who is left-handed, esp. a baseball pitcher. [1/2 definitions]
spitball an illegal pitch in baseball in which the pitcher causes the ball to curve or spin by rubbing it with saliva. [1/2 definitions]
squeeze play in baseball, a play in which a runner on third base starts for home plate when the pitcher releases the ball, and the batter tries to bunt. [1/2 definitions]
steal in baseball, to run safely to (another base) while the pitcher is throwing to the batter. [1/9 definitions]
strikeout in baseball, an out made by a batter who incurs three strikes, or an out credited to a pitcher who causes a batter to strike out.
trumpet any of various pitcher plants of the southeastern United States having thin, upright, hollow leaves. [1/9 definitions]
washstand a movable table or cabinet used to hold a pitcher and basin for washing the hands and face. [1/2 definitions]