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Brahma the principal member of the Hindu trinity, considered the creator of the universe. [1/2 definitions]
cross to make the devotional sign of the cross on, in reference to Jesus Christ and the Christian Trinity. [1/16 definitions]
Dallas a large U.S. city in northeastern Texas on the Trinity River.
Holy Ghost the third member of the Christian Trinity; Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit the third member of the Christian Trinity; Holy Ghost.
hypostasis in Christian theology, the singular, unique nature of God, the equal divinity of each person of the Trinity, and the incorporation of the fullness of God and man in the person of Jesus Christ. [1/4 definitions]
Krishna an incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu, and the second god of the Hindu trinity.
spirit (cap.) in Christianity, the Holy Ghost; third person of the Trinity. [1/11 definitions]
Trinitarian of or pertaining to the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. [3/4 definitions]
Trinity Sunday the Sunday after Pentecost, celebrated by certain Christians in honor of the Trinity; Whitsunday.
tritheism the belief that the three persons of the Christian Trinity are three separate, distinct gods.
triune (sometimes cap.) being three in one, esp. the Christian Trinity.
Unitarian a member of a Christian denomination that holds the belief that God is one being, rejects the idea of the Trinity, and emphasizes religious freedom.
Vishnu the second member of the Hindu trinity, known as "The Preserver" and believed to have been incarnated in Krishna.