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anguish to suffer or cause to suffer acute pain or distress. [1/2 definitions]
Asiatic cholera an acute, infectious, often fatal disease caused by bacteria and characterized by severe diarrhea, intestinal cramps, and dehydration; cholera.
cholera an acute, often fatal, infectious disease that is marked by vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea.
colic acute abdominal pain, esp. that in infants, caused by intestinal gas.
cosine in trigonometry, the ratio between the length of the side next to one of the acute angles in a right triangle and the length of the hypotenuse.
cotangent in trigonometry, the ratio between the side adjacent to a given acute angle in a right triangle and the opposite side.
diamond a geometric shape with four equal straight sides, two equal, opposed acute angles, and two equal, opposed obtuse angles. [1/7 definitions]
fovea centralis a small depression at the back of the retina, forming the most acute point of vision.
heat rash an acute skin condition resulting from inflammation of the sweat glands; miliaria.
hyperacute combined form of acute.
influenza an acute, contagious disease in various forms, caused by a virus in humans and in some animals and characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract, irritation of the stomach, and fever; flu.
intensify to make stronger, more acute, or more intense. [2 definitions]
keen1 finely discerning; extremely perceptive; acute. [1/4 definitions]
lead poisoning chronic or acute poisoning caused by the ingestion, inhalation, or absorption through the skin of lead or lead salts, characterized by anemia, constipation, abdominal pain, or convulsions, and sometimes resulting in paralysis or coma.
mania a psychological disorder characterized by excitability that turns to violence in the acute stages. [1/2 definitions]
nerve acute sensitivity, as to a particular issue or subject. [1/6 definitions]
oblique angle any angle that is not a right angle; acute or obtuse angle.
oxy-1 acute; sharp; pointed.
percipient having an acute power of perception or discernment; perceptive.
pertussis an acute infectious respiratory disease particularly serious in children, marked by intense spasms of coughing and sometimes accompanied by a high-pitched sound as air in inhaled between coughs; whooping cough.
primary accent see "acute accent." [1/2 definitions]