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apprentice to place as an apprentice to an employer. [1/3 definitions]
colleague someone who shares the same profession, work, or employer.
collective bargaining the bargaining process that occurs between organized workers and their employer to reach an agreement on wages, benefits, hours, and working conditions.
EOE abbreviation of "equal opportunity employer."
expense account a record of an employee's expenditures that will be paid or paid back by the employer, or a specified amount of such allowable expenditures.
featherbedding the practice, or an instance, of requiring an employer to hire more workers than necessary, or of restricting the production of workers.
interview a meeting between a job applicant and a prospective employer, usu. to determine the applicant's qualifications. [2/5 definitions]
live in to live and sleep in the same place where one works, usually the private home of one's employer.
lockout the closing of a factory or business by the employer during a labor dispute in order to force employees to change their demands.
minimum wage the lowest wage that an employer can pay an employee according to law or labor union agreement.
multiemployer combined form of employer.
on the carpet being reprimanded or closely questioned by someone in authority, such as one's employer.
payroll a list of those who are to be paid by an employer and the sum owed to each. [2/3 definitions]
pension a sum of money paid regularly by the government or a former employer as a retirement or disability benefit. [1/4 definitions]
people persons in regard to a leader, employer, residence, or the like. [1/7 definitions]
redundancy (chiefly British) the condition of workers being no longer needed by an employer, or the resulting dismissal or layoff. [1/4 definitions]
right-to-work law a state law that forbids an employer from refusing employment to a person on the basis of his or her not being a union member.
Scrooge the main character in Charles Dickens's nineteenth-century fable A Christmas Carol, who, as a result of visits from several spirits, changes from a hard-hearted miser to a generous employer and philanthropist. [1/2 definitions]
self-employed working for oneself or in one's own business, rather than for an employer.
slave driver an employer or supervisor who is very harsh or severe. [1/2 definitions]
soldier of fortune a military adventurer willing to serve any employer; mercenary. [1/2 definitions]