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backfield in football, those offensive players whose position is behind the line, or those defensive players whose position is behind the linebackers. [1/2 definitions]
ball boy a boy or young man who retrieves stray balls during a tennis or baseball game, or who has charge of balls used in practice, as in football and basketball.
blindside to hit or attack (someone, esp. a football player) from an unanticipated direction.
block in sports, an act of physical obstruction of another player, esp. in football. [1/19 definitions]
blocker in football, an offensive player who tries to block defensive players from tackling the ball carrier. [1/2 definitions]
bowl1 in the United States, a football game played at the end of the season by specially selected teams. [1/6 definitions]
clip2 in U.S. football, to block illegally from behind. [1/5 definitions]
complete in American football, denoting a forward pass that has been caught by its intended receiver. [1/6 definitions]
completion in football, a forward pass that has been caught. [1/3 definitions]
conversion in football, a one-point kick or a two-point play scored following a touchdown; extra point; point after touchdown. [1/6 definitions]
cornerback in football, one of two players on the outer edges of the defensive secondary who guard against end runs and cover wide receivers.
cutback a quick shift to the reverse direction, as of a runner in football. [1/2 definitions]
defensive back a player in American football, whose primary role is to deflect or intercept passes. [1/2 definitions]
drop kick a kick, formerly used in football, in which the kicker drops the ball and kicks it as it begins to rebound. (Cf. place kick, punt1.)
end in football, a player who lines up at one end of the line of scrimmage. [1/18 definitions]
end line either of two lines, one at each end of a basketball court, football field, or the like, that marks the limit of the playing area.
end zone an area ten yards deep at either end of a football field, into which players attempt to carry the ball to score points.
fair catch in football, a catch of a punt whereby the receiver, in order not to be tackled, signals that no attempt will be made to advance with the ball.
field goal in football, a score worth three points, made by kicking the ball through the opponent's goalposts. [1/2 definitions]
flanker in football, an offensive back whose position is nearest to the sideline and who receives passes. [1/2 definitions]
football the oval-shaped ball used in the North American game of football. [1/4 definitions]