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acrylic a synthetic fiber, resin, or paint made from acrylic acid or its derivatives. [1/2 definitions]
amber a hard, translucent fossil resin that will develop an electric charge when rubbed. [2/4 definitions]
ammoniac a sharp-smelling gum resin from the stem of an Asian plant, used in perfumes and porcelain cements; gum ammoniac. [1/2 definitions]
asafetida a gum resin obtained from Oriental plants related to the carrot, with a strong, offensive odor and a bitter taste, formerly used as a medicine.
balm the oily resin, exuded by various trees and shrubs, from which such an ointment is made. [1/4 definitions]
balm of Gilead the aromatic resin of these trees, formerly used in healing ointments and now used chiefly in the making of perfumes. [1/2 definitions]
benzoin an aromatic resin containing benzoic acid and used in perfumes and cosmetics, cough medicines, and antiseptics. [1/3 definitions]
Canada balsam a clear thick yellow resin of a particular fir tree that hardens when exposed to air and is used chiefly as mounting cement in microscopy.
cellulose acetate a resin produced from cellulose, used to make products such as lacquers, photographic film, artificial silks, cigarette filters, and explosives.
copal a hard resin from various tropical trees, used to make lacquers and varnishes.
epoxy a synthetic resin that forms tightly linked, tough, adhesive polymer structures and that is often used in adhesives and coatings. [1/3 definitions]
fluorocarbon any of various organic chemical compounds resulting from the substitution of fluorine for hydrogen in a hydrocarbon, used in refrigeration, lubrication, plastic and resin manufacture, as a fire extinguisher, and formerly as the propellant in aerosol cans.
frankincense a sweet-smelling gum resin obtained from various Asian and African trees and used mainly in incense.
galbanum a bad-smelling gum resin, obtained from various Asian plants of the umbel family.
gamboge a brownish gum resin obtained from certain trees of southern Asia, yielding a yellow pigment that is also used as a cathartic. [1/2 definitions]
guaiacum a greenish brown resin from this tree, used in varnishes and as a medicine for rheumatism and skin eruptions. [1/3 definitions]
gum1 one of a variety of sticky substances exuded by certain plants; resin. [1/10 definitions]
gum arabic a sticky resin exuded from several varieties of the African acacia trees that is used in medicine and candies and as a thickener.
gum resin a mixture of gum and resin that exudes from certain trees and plants.
kauri a tall evergreen tree, found in New Zealand, that produces a resin used in varnishes and enamels. [1/2 definitions]
lacquer any of several glossy varnishes made from resin or cellulose and sometimes mixed with a solvent, used as a protective coating for wood and other materials. [1/2 definitions]