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budworm a type of caterpillar that eats the buds of plants.
cat2 (informal) a vehicle with moving treads, esp. a Caterpillar tractor.
cutworm a caterpillar that feeds by night on a wide variety of plants, characteristically cutting through the plant stems at ground level.
gypsy moth a moth having as its larva a hairy caterpillar that is extremely destructive to foliage.
hornworm the caterpillar of any of several hawk moths, which has a thornlike projection on the rear segment.
measuringworm a caterpillar that moves by bringing the rear end of its body forward and then advancing the front; inchworm.
metamorphosis the developmental changes in living organisms, such as the successive stages from caterpillar to butterfly or from tadpole to frog. [1/3 definitions]
tomato hornworm a large green caterpillar that feeds on plants of the nightshade family, esp. tomato and potato plants, and develops into the hawk moth.
woolly bear the fuzzy caterpillar of any of various tiger moths.