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arduous entailing great difficulty, exertion, or endurance; laborious. [1/3 definitions]
at the end of one's rope at the limits of one's endurance or patience.
bionic (informal) capable of superhuman effort or endurance through, or as if through, the aid of such devices. [1/3 definitions]
drive to strain the endurance of. [1/18 definitions]
enduro a long race or contest, as for motorcycles or automobiles, that is designed to test endurance.
fail to lose endurance or strength; decline. [1/10 definitions]
fitness the study of how the body attains strength, flexibility, and endurance. [1/4 definitions]
fortitude strength, endurance, and patience in the face of adversity or temptation.
hardiness the condition or quality of being hardy; strength; endurance. [1/2 definitions]
last straw the most recent in a series of irritations or disappointments, which causes a loss of endurance, patience, temper, or the like.
long-suffering patient endurance of persistent hardships or troubles. [1/2 definitions]
marathon any contest or other extended activity that calls for prolonged effort or endurance. [1/3 definitions]
marathoner a person who competes in a footrace of twenty-six miles or any other long-distance test of endurance.
nervy showing great courage or endurance; brave. [1/2 definitions]
ordeal a painful, exhausting, or emotionally trying experience, esp. when regarded as a test of a person's endurance or character. [1/2 definitions]
robust requiring strength and endurance. [1/6 definitions]
saturation point the upper limit of one's endurance, patience, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
staying power the ability to endure or last; endurance.
strain1 to push beyond limit, reason, or endurance. [1/16 definitions]
sufferance the capacity to endure or tolerate pain, want, or the like; endurance. [1/2 definitions]