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atman (cap.) the universal soul from which all individual souls derive and to which, as the supreme goal of existence, they return. [1/2 definitions]
benefit to gain or derive favorable results (usu. fol. by "from"). [1/5 definitions]
demodulate in telecommunications, to derive the original signal from (a modulated carrier signal); detect.
extract to derive (satisfaction, comfort, or the like), usu. from some event or circumstance. [1/9 definitions]
infer to derive a conclusion from facts or logical premises; draw an inference. [1/2 definitions]
nitrosamine any of various organic compounds, some of which are carcinogenic, that derive from amines and are found in a wide variety of substances.
Phoenician denoting or concerning the script in which this language was written, from which western alphabets derive. [1/4 definitions]
profit to derive benefit or profit. [1/5 definitions]