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abysm a vast, unmeasurable space; bottomless pit; abyss.
abyss a vast, unmeasurable space; bottomless pit. [1/2 definitions]
A/C abbreviation of "air conditioning," a system that circulates cooled and dehumidified air in a building, car, or other space.
acoustics (used with a pl. verb) the conditions of a physical space that determine its ability to transmit sound. [1/2 definitions]
advance a forward movement in space. [1/14 definitions]
aerospace the earth's atmosphere and the space beyond it. [1/2 definitions]
air conditioner a device that circulates cooled and dehumidified air in a building, car, or other space.
air conditioning a system that circulates cooled and dehumidified air in a building, car, or other space.
air sac an air-filled space or cavity in a living organism, esp. any of the ends of certain bronchial tubes in a bird's body that connect with the larger body cavity and assist in breathing.
airspace the space extending above a particular land area, esp. that of a political entity. [2 definitions]
Alan Shepard U.S. astronaut, who was the first American to journey into space (b.1923--d.1998).
alcove any similar space, as in a garden. [1/2 definitions]
alley1 the space between the two outer sets of lines on each side of a tennis court, used only in doubles. [1/5 definitions]
angle1 the space between the lines of such a figure as measured in degrees, the number of which reflects the amount of turning that would be required to move one of the lines so that it meets and overlaps the other. [1/10 definitions]
apart separated by time or space; at or to a distance. [1/3 definitions]
apartment a room or set of rooms used as living space by a single household and usu. located in a building containing a number of such rooms or sets of rooms.
approach to come near or draw near in space or time. [1/9 definitions]
apt. abbreviation of "apartment," a room or set of rooms used as living space by a single household and usu. located in a building containing a number of such rooms or sets of rooms.
arch1 a structural element, usu. of masonry, that is curved and used to span an open space such as a door. [1/5 definitions]
areola a small space between cells and fibers in connective tissue, as among small veins in a leaf. [1/2 definitions]
astronaut a person trained to participate in space flight.