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adamant unlikely to change in response to any request or argument; firmly decided or fixed; unyielding. [1/3 definitions]
benedict a newly married man, esp. one who was previously thought unlikely to marry.
cock-and-bull story an improbable, absurd, or unlikely story.
dim unlikely or unfavorable. [1/9 definitions]
doubt to be uncertain about or believe unlikely. [1/6 definitions]
far-fetched improbable or unlikely; exaggerated; irrelevant.
futile unlikely to produce or incapable of producing a desired result; ineffective; useless. [1/2 definitions]
hypoallergenic unlikely to cause an allergic reaction.
improbability the condition or state of being unlikely to occur. [2 definitions]
improbable unlikely to occur or to be true.
kludge (slang) a clumsy, but successful, computer system improvised by combining unlikely parts.
let alone much less (used to add to one's statement an element that is highly unlikely given the fact just stated).
much less let alone (used to add to one's statement an element that is highly unlikely given the fact just stated).
nonsense used in response to something considered absurd, ridiculous, or highly unlikely to be true. [1/4 definitions]
out in left field (informal) a position or opinion that is untenable, unlikely, or wrong.
outside unlikely; improbable. [1/10 definitions]
pen pal a person who exchanges letters regularly with someone else usu. living so far away that a personal meeting is unlikely.
preposterous totally unlikely, unbelievable, or senseless; absurd.
should used to express the possibility of something happening although it is considered very unlikely (used in conditional clauses beginning with "if," or at the beginning of a clause, inverting with the subject, but having the same meaning as if the clause began with "if"). [1/5 definitions]
stalemate any situation in which a further action, offer, or the like is impossible or unlikely; deadlock. [1/4 definitions]
steady unlikely to change; firmly established. [1/11 definitions]