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Dictionary Suite
at rest inactive, not moving, or in repose. [1/2 definitions]
deactivate to make inactive or inoperative. [2 definitions]
dead useless or inactive. [1/16 definitions]
downtime a period of time during which a computer, factory, or the like is inactive, usu. to allow for repairs or the like.
estivate to spend the summer in a dormant or inactive state. (Cf. hibernate.) [1/2 definitions]
hibernate to be inactive or in seclusion. [1/2 definitions]
hold still to be inactive; refrain from taking any action. [1/2 definitions]
inactivate to render inactive or unable to function or spread; halt the activity or operation of.
inert naturally or habitually inactive or slow-moving; sluggish. [1/3 definitions]
lie2 to rest or remain, as on or under a surface or in an inactive state. [1/8 definitions]
on the shelf inactive or unused; put aside; reserved for future use or consideration.
overcome to cause to be weak or inactive, or to lose consciousness. [1/5 definitions]
passive not participating; inactive. [1/6 definitions]
plasminogen the inactive precursor of plasmin, an enzyme in plasma that dissolves certain proteins involved in blood clotting.
quiet not busy; inactive. [1/14 definitions]
sedentary habitually inactive physically. [1/3 definitions]
slack1 dull or inactive. [1/12 definitions]
sleep to be very inactive or not alert. [1/9 definitions]
sleepy inactive or dull. [1/2 definitions]
sluggard lazy or inactive. [1/2 definitions]
slumber to be temporarily inactive. [1/5 definitions]