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Dictionary Suite
accordance agreement; compliance. [1/2 definitions]
assent agreement, approval, or compliance. [1/3 definitions]
binding requiring compliance; compulsory. [1/6 definitions]
conform to be or act in accordance or compliance with an established standard or norm. [2/4 definitions]
conformist one who tends to act in accordance or compliance with established standards or norms. [2 definitions]
conformity accordance or compliance with a standard or norm. [1/2 definitions]
enforce to compel compliance with or obedience to. [1/3 definitions]
formality compliance with rules and customs. [1/5 definitions]
inspect to look at critically and formally to determine compliance with regulations. [1/2 definitions]
kowtow to kneel down and place the forehead on the ground as an act of deference, respect, or the like, esp. when done in compliance with Chinese custom. [1/3 definitions]
legality observance of or compliance with the law. [1/3 definitions]
nonconformity lack of compliance or adherence, as to a standard, specification, regulation, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
observance compliance or obedience. [1/4 definitions]
overcompliance combined form of compliance.
referee in sports, an official who assures the players' compliance with the rules. [1/4 definitions]
sanction something intended to ensure compliance with a law, such as a penalty for disobedience. [1/8 definitions]
yellow jack a yellow flag used by ships to warn of disease on board or to request a clearance to proceed into port after compliance with quarantine regulations. [1/3 definitions]