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airlift the systematic transportation of people or supplies by air when ground routes are impossible or dangerous to use, esp. in a battle zone or during an emergency. [1/2 definitions]
argue to have a battle with words; quarrel; contend. [1/5 definitions]
Armageddon any mighty, decisive battle. [1/2 definitions]
banzai used by the Japanese as a battle cheer and meaning "Long live the emperor". [1/2 definitions]
battle to engage in a battle or fight. [1/5 definitions]
battle cry a shout or cry of determination or enthusiasm given by troops in battle. [1/2 definitions]
battlefield the area in which a battle takes place.
battle royal an intense, lengthy battle. [1/3 definitions]
bite the dust to die, as in battle. [1/2 definitions]
burial ground a place where ancient or primitive civilizations buried their dead, or a place where many soldiers were buried after a battle.
Cadmean victory a battle won, but at enormous cost to the victor.
challenge a provocative or stimulating invitation to enter into a battle or other contest of skill. [2/7 definitions]
charger a muscular horse suitable to ride in battle. [1/3 definitions]
Cinco de Mayo the fifth of May, a Mexican holiday commemorating the Mexican army's 1862 victory over the French army at the Battle of Puebla and celebrating Mexican unity and independence.
clash a conflict, battle, or disagreement. [1/6 definitions]
combat fatigue see "battle fatigue."
conflict an armed battle or war. [1/6 definitions]
Coral Sea an arm of the southern Pacific Ocean located off the northwestern coast of Australia, extending to the north as far as New Guinea and the Soloman Islands and to the east by Vanuatu. The sea is the location of the Great Barrier Reef. It was also the scene of a fierce naval battle between Japan and the United States in World War II.
defeat to win a victory over; beat in a game, battle, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
dogfight any violent or vicious conflict, esp. an air battle between fighter planes. [1/4 definitions]
embattle to dispose or prepare (troops or a fortification) for battle. [1/2 definitions]