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add to find the total of (often fol. by "up"). [1/5 definitions]
addition table a table that can be used to find the sum of two numbers.
Ariadne Cretan princess, daughter of King Minos, who gave Theseus the thread that enabled him to find his way out of the Labyrinth.
ask to pose a question in order to find out (something). [1/11 definitions]
ask around to try to find out something by asking people of one's acquaintance the same question.
autopsy a superficial and surgical examination of a corpse, usu. to find the cause of death. [1/2 definitions]
average to find the arithmetic mean of (a set of quantities). [1/9 definitions]
blame to find fault with; criticize sharply. [1/5 definitions]
carping inclined to find fault or complain.
check up on to look at or seek information about (someone or something) in order to find out if they are all right or if they getting into any trouble.
convict to find (a person) guilty of a crime or misdemeanor, esp. after a legal proceeding. [1/3 definitions]
count1 to list or name (numbers or items) one by one in order to find the total. [2/10 definitions]
crack to figure out; find a solution to. [1/15 definitions]
critic one who tends to criticize and find faults. [1/3 definitions]
critical tending to make severe judgments or to find fault. [1/6 definitions]
criticize to find faults or flaws in. [2/4 definitions]
delight to take or find pleasure (usu. followed by "in"). [1/5 definitions]
descry to find or detect by means of close study or observation. [1/2 definitions]
dig out to find by searching.
discount to find the present value of (a sum to be paid or collected in the future). [1/12 definitions]
discover to find or see (something unknown) before anyone else. [2/3 definitions]