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backwoods primitive or uncultured; unsophisticated. [1/4 definitions]
burlesque in the United States, a stage show that features unsophisticated burlesques, popular music, and often stripteases; vaudeville show. [1/5 definitions]
clodhopper an unsophisticated country person; crude person; bumpkin. [1/2 definitions]
gutbucket jazz played in a raucous, unsophisticated style.
hick an unsophisticated person from a rural area; yokel.
homebred unrefined; lacking polish; unsophisticated. [1/2 definitions]
innocent one who is innocent, esp. a young or unsophisticated person. [1/6 definitions]
jejune childish, juvenile, or unsophisticated. [1/3 definitions]
jerkwater (informal) unsophisticated, backward, or insignificant.
lowbrow someone having unsophisticated, nonintellectual interests (often used disparagingly). (Cf. highbrow.) [1/2 definitions]
naive simple, natural, and unsophisticated; lacking in suspicion. [1/2 definitions]
peasant an unsophisticated country person, or a person considered to be crude and unlearned. [1/2 definitions]
primitive simple; undeveloped; unsophisticated. [1/6 definitions]
provincial having the unsophisticated characteristics and manners attributed to people living in areas remote from cities; not fashionable. [2/6 definitions]
rustic unsophisticated; simple; unpolished. [2/4 definitions]
small-town unsophisticated; provincial. [1/2 definitions]