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CO1 abbreviation of "Colorado," a western U.S. state bordered by Wyoming, Kansas, New Mexico, and Utah.
Colorado a western U.S. state bordered by Wyoming, Kansas, New Mexico, and Utah. (abbr.: CO) [1/2 definitions]
Moab Isolation Center a special U.S. internment camp located near Moab, Utah, occupied in 1943 by American citizens of Japanese descent who had been deemed to be "trouble-makers" during their previous internment at ordinary camps created for the holding of Japanese-Americans during World War II. The conditions at the Moab Isolation Center were harsher than at other camps. At its peak, there were about fifty people being held there.
Navajo a member of a tribe of North American Indians occupying parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. [1/3 definitions]
Nevada a western U.S. state between California and Utah. (abbr.: NV)
NV abbreviation of "Nevada," a western U.S. state between California and Utah.
Salt Lake City the capital of Utah.
UT abbreviation of "Utah," a western U.S. state between Nevada and Colorado.
Ute one of an American Indian people now mainly residing in Utah and Colorado. [1/2 definitions]