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acne a skin disorder caused by inflammation of the oil glands, resulting in pimples, usu. on the face.
ADA abbreviation of "attention deficit disorder." [1/2 definitions]
ADHD abbreviation of "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder"; a mental disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by impulsiveness and excessive activity.
ailment a sickness or disorder, usu. physical; illness.
amitriptyline a tricyclic antidepressant drug used to treat depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other mental disorders.
anarchy political and social disorder resulting from a lack or absence of governmental authority. [2/3 definitions]
anorexia a psychological disorder marked by the inability to eat or the persistent refusal of food; anorexia nervosa. (Cf. bulimarexia.)
apraxia a disorder that prevents certain complex muscular movements, caused by damage to the brain.
Asperger's syndrome a mild autism spectrum disorder in which afflicted individuals are generally of normal intelligence but have poor social and nonverbal communication skills.
asthma a chronic respiratory disorder characterized by labored breathing, wheezing, and a feeling of tightness in the chest, often caused by an allergy.
attention deficit disorder a behavioral disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by inability to focus one's attention, impulsive behaviors, and, often, hyperactivity; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (often abbreviated "ADHD").
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder a behavioral disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by inability to focus one's attention, impulsive behaviors, and, often, hyperactivity (often abbreviated as "ADHD").
autism a developmental disorder usually becoming detectable in very early childhood that is characterized especially by atypical acquisition or use of language as well as atypical patterns of social interaction.
autistic having the developmental disorder of autism. [1/2 definitions]
battle fatigue severe mental distress or disorder resulting from combat in war; combat fatigue. (See shell shock.)
bedlam a situation or scene of confused disorder and uproar.
bedraggled in a state of shabby disorder or deterioration. [1/2 definitions]
bulimarexia an eating disorder, esp. found in young women, that is marked by the eating of large amounts of food followed by purging, usu. by self-induced vomiting or by taking laxatives, to avoid weight gain. (Cf. anorexia.)
bursitis a painful disorder caused by the inflammation of a bursa, esp. in a joint of the shoulder, elbow, or knee.
cardiac a person with a heart disease or disorder. [1/3 definitions]
catatonia a disorder, esp. of schizophrenia, characterized by rigidity of the muscles, mental stupor, and muteness; catalepsy.