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Dictionary Suite
bee any of the flying, hairy-bodied, and often stinging insects that live either in social networks or alone, many of which suck nectar from flowers.
dummy (chiefly British) a pliable device for an infant to suck on, esp. in the shape of a nipple; pacifier. [1/8 definitions]
mosquito any of numerous winged insects, the females of which usu. suck the blood of animals and humans by using a slender, hollow proboscis.
pacifier a pliable device for an infant to suck on, esp. in the shape of a nipple. [1/2 definitions]
siphon a tube or pipe used to suck a liquid over the top of its container and into a lower one by means of air pressure. [1/3 definitions]
straw a thin hollow tube of paper, plastic, or glass used to suck up liquids; drinking straw. [1/7 definitions]
suckle to put to the breast and allow to suck; breastfeed. [2/4 definitions]
vampire a legendary being, often said to be a revived corpse, that preys on people in order to suck out their blood. [1/3 definitions]