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carrier the electromagnetic wave that is modulated to transmit a signal; carrier wave. [1/6 definitions]
diathermy medical treatment of localized tissues by heating with electromagnetic waves.
echo a reflected electromagnetic wave, as in radar. [1/8 definitions]
ether formerly, the substance believed to constitute outer space, and to be the medium of electromagnetic waves, including light. [1/4 definitions]
frequency in physics, the number of electromagnetic waves that pass a certain point in a given time period. [1/3 definitions]
Hertzian wave an electromagnetic wave, such as a radio wave, produced when electricity is oscillated in a conductor.
interference the combining of electromagnetic waves so that a disturbance is produced, such as an unclear radio signal. [1/4 definitions]
long wave a low-frequency electromagnetic wave, usu. a radio wave that is longer than one thousand meters and below three hundred kilohertz in frequency.
maser a device that amplifies electromagnetic waves and concentrates them at a single microwave frequency (acronym for "microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation").
microwave any extremely high-frequency electromagnetic wave whose wavelength is between one millimeter and one meter. [1/2 definitions]
modulate to vary the frequency, amplitude, phase, or the like of (an electromagnetic wave). [2/6 definitions]
modulation variation of the frequency, amplitude, phase, or the like of an electromagnetic wave. [1/3 definitions]
pickup a device for receiving sound or electromagnetic waves. [1/5 definitions]
radio the sending of communications by means of electromagnetic waves in the frequency range from ten kilocycles to three hundred thousand megacycles. [1/9 definitions]
radiofrequency any frequency of electromagnetic waves between approximately ten kilohertz and 300 gigahertz, that can be used for radio transmission.
radio wave an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength of between one millimeter and thirty thousand meters, or a frequency of between ten kilohertz and three hundred thousand megahertz.
receive to convert incoming electromagnetic waves into signals that are visible or audible. [1/10 definitions]
send to transmit (signals) by means of electromagnetic waves. [1/7 definitions]
spectroscope an optical instrument that enables examination, measurement, or recording of a spectrum by rendering its component electromagnetic waves, as of light or radiation, distinct and visible.
television the process of transmitting visual images in the form of electromagnetic waves over distances to be seen on a screen. (abbr.: TV) [1/3 definitions]
transmit to send a signal by electromagnetic waves. [1/6 definitions]