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aliquot in math, forming a whole number divisor of another number without a remainder. [1/3 definitions]
carry-over that which is carried over or retained; residue; remainder. [1/2 definitions]
divisible capable of being divided, or of being divided equally with no remainder.
fag a remnant or remainder, such as the end of a bolt of cloth; fag end. [1/4 definitions]
leftover a remainder or unused portion, esp. of food left uneaten after a meal. [1/2 definitions]
long division a procedure of dividing one number by another number, in which each step, with its subtraction and its remainder, is written down in full.
multiple a number into which another number may be divided without remainder. [1/2 definitions]
residuary of or having the nature of a residue or remainder; residual. [2 definitions]
residuum the remainder of something after a part is removed; residue. [2 definitions]
shuffle to rearrange playing cards in a random order by separating parts of the deck and interleaving them with the remainder. [1/8 definitions]
stub a short remainder of a used article such as a cigarette or pencil. [1/6 definitions]
thrum2 the remainder of a warp thread left on the loom after the woven fabric has been cut off. [1/3 definitions]