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bracero a Mexican laborer allowed to enter the United States temporarily in order to perform seasonal or migrant work.
clearance sale a sale of retail merchandise designed to dispose of inventory, as of seasonal stock, usu. at reduced prices.
gulch a stony ravine with steep sides, esp. one having a seasonal stream running through it.
monsoon the seasonal wind system of the Indian Ocean, blowing from the southwest in the summer and the northeast in the winter. [1/2 definitions]
nonseasonal combined form of seasonal.
tellurian an instrument that shows how the earth's position and movements cause daily and seasonal changes. [1/3 definitions]
Temperate Zone either of two zones or areas of the earth between the tropics and the polar circles, characterized by seasonal climatic changes; North Temperate Zone; South Temperate Zone.
tropic either of the two imaginary circles around the earth defined by the sun's farthest apparent seasonal movement northward and southward in the sky. The northern circle, called the Tropic of Cancer, lies at latitude 23°27′ north and the southern circle, the Tropic of Capricorn, lies at 23°27′ south. [1/3 definitions]