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Dictionary Suite
finger the part of a glove meant to cover a finger. [1/8 definitions]
gage1 an object, such as a glove, thrown down as a symbol of a promise or challenge to fight. [1/2 definitions]
gauntlet1 a metal glove worn as part of a suit of armor. [2 definitions]
glove in baseball, a large padded leather glove with webbing connecting the finger and thumb sections, used by players in the field; baseball glove. [3/5 definitions]
mitt a padded covering for a ballplayer's hand; baseball glove. [1/3 definitions]
oven glove (chiefly British) a padded glove or mitten used to handle cooking utensils and dishes when they are too hot to touch with bare hands; oven mitt.
oven mitt a padded glove or mitten used to handle cooking utensils and dishes when they are too hot to touch with bare hands.
tag2 in baseball, to touch (a runner) with the ball or with the hand or glove holding it. [1/4 definitions]
thumb a cover for this finger, as in a glove. [1/5 definitions]