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binnacle the nonmagnetic stand or case that supports or encloses a ship's compass.
cardinal points the four main points of the compass; north, east, south, and west.
compassable combined form of compass.
compass card a round card showing the points of the compass and degrees of a circle that is fitted within a compass case.
deviation the deflection of a compass needle on a ship caused by the magnetism of the ship itself. [1/3 definitions]
east one of the four major points of direction on the compass, ninety degrees clockwise from north. [1/7 definitions]
east-northeast a point on the compass halfway between east and northeast. [1/2 definitions]
east-southeast a point on the compass halfway between east and southeast. [1/2 definitions]
exposure placement or location in reference to sun, wind, or compass direction. [1/7 definitions]
gimbals (sometimes sing.; used with a sing. verb) a device using pivots that supports something such as a compass on a ship and keeps it level even when the support is in motion.
magnetic needle a thin magnetized bar of steel situated within an instrument, such as a compass, so that it indicates the direction of the earth's magnetic poles.
magnetic pole on the earth's surface, either of two points, one in the north and one in the south, toward which the needle of a magnetic compass points. [1/2 definitions]
NNE abbreviation of "north-northeast," a point on the compass halfway between north and northeast.
NNW abbreviation of "north-northwest," a point on the compass halfway between north and northwest.
north one of the four major points of direction on the compass, ninety degrees clockwise from west. [1/6 definitions]
northeast a point on the compass halfway between north and east. [1/4 definitions]
north-northeast a point on the compass halfway between north and northeast. [1/2 definitions]
north-northwest a point on the compass halfway between north and northwest. [1/2 definitions]
northwest a point on the compass halfway between north and west. [1/4 definitions]
orient to find the position of with respect to the points of the compass. [2/6 definitions]
orientation location or positioning, or a particular positioning, with respect to the points of the compass. [1/5 definitions]