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bedstraw a small herb with paired leaves and small flowers once used as stuffing for mattresses.
derma2 in Jewish cooking, an intestinal membrane used to hold a bread stuffing for a dish called kishke.
dressing stuffing, usu. for fish or poultry. [1/4 definitions]
flock2 waste wool, cotton, or rags used as a stuffing for mattresses or the like. [1/5 definitions]
forcemeat finely chopped or ground meat, fish, or poultry, often mixed with other foods that act as binders or seasoning, and used as a stuffing.
pack1 to fill to capacity by tightly stuffing. [1/16 definitions]
pad1 to fill or protect by stuffing or layering with soft material. [1/12 definitions]
pillow a baglike case filled with soft stuffing and used for resting the head or for decoration. [1/4 definitions]
silk cotton a silky fiber covering the seeds of certain tropical trees such as the silk-cotton, used as a soft stuffing material.
taxidermy the art of preserving dead animals by stuffing and mounting their skins in order to retain a lifelike appearance.
teddy bear any of several children's toys made to look like a bear, filled with soft stuffing and covered with furlike plush.
wad an amount of soft material used for stuffing or padding. [1/7 definitions]
wadding any material used for stuffing or padding. [1/2 definitions]