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aquaculture the cultivation of water plants, fish, shellfish, and other aquatic animals in controlled freshwater or saltwater environments.
bisque1 a thick cream soup made with shellfish, meat, or strained vegetables. [1/2 definitions]
bouillabaisse a stew containing a variety of fish and shellfish, often cooked with saffron.
dredge1 a net made to be dragged through the water to catch fish or shellfish; dragnet. [1/7 definitions]
mousse a similar dish made with puréed meat, fish, or shellfish. [1/3 definitions]
seviche a Latin American seafood dish containing raw fish or shellfish marinated in lime juice with chilies, chopped tomatoes, and herbs.
shrimp any of several small, mostly saltwater shellfish with long tails and five pairs of walking legs, or any of various similar shellfish, many of which are edible. [1/6 definitions]
shuck the protective outer covering of any of various vegetables, fruits, or shellfish; husk, pod, or shell. [1/3 definitions]
siphon a projecting tube, as in squid and shellfish, through which sea water is taken in and expelled. [1/3 definitions]
spat4 a young oyster or other shellfish.
Tyrian purple a natural purple dye formerly obtained from certain snails and shellfish and now made synthetically. [1/2 definitions]
umbilicus a similar small opening or hollow in lower animals, as in the base of the shells of certain shellfish. [1/2 definitions]