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abscess a collection of pus in body tissue, usu. surrounded by an inflamed area. [1/2 definitions]
boil2 a swollen, painful sore that is filled with pus and is caused by a bacterial infection.
fester to become filled with pus; become infected. [1/5 definitions]
matter a substance excreted by living beings, such as feces or pus. [1/8 definitions]
maturate to discharge pus; suppurate. [1/2 definitions]
osteomyelitis inflammation of the bone or bone marrow, usu. caused by a pus-producing bacterium.
pimple a common, small, and often pus-filled inflammation and swelling of the skin.
pock a small pus-filled swelling on the skin caused by smallpox or a similar disease. [1/3 definitions]
purulent characterized by the presence or discharge of pus.
pussy2 like or full of pus.
pustule a bump on the skin, such as a pimple, that is filled with pus. [1/2 definitions]
pyemia a form of blood poisoning characterized by the presence of pus-producing bacteria in the bloodstream that causes an outbreak of abscesses in various parts of the body.
pyo- pus.
pyorrhea a disorder marked by inflamed gums, formation of pus, and sometimes loose teeth. [2 definitions]
pyorrhea alveolaris a chronic inflammation of the gums and tooth sockets leading to the formation of pockets of pus between the gum and tooth, erosion of bone matter, and eventual loosening and loss of the tooth.
pyuria the presence of pus in the urine.
quinsy a swelling and reddening of the tonsils that produces pus and often an abscess.
sepsis infection, esp. by pus-forming bacteria in the blood or tissues.
smallpox a contagious viral disease characterized by a fever and pus-filled pimples that often leave scars.
suppurate to produce or release pus; fester.
suppuration the production or release of pus.