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International Phonetic Alphabet a standardized set of phonetic symbols, originated by the International Phonetic Association, that is used to transcribe the speech sounds of all languages.
nonphonetic combined form of phonetic.
phonics (used with a sing. verb) a method of teaching spelling, pronunciation, and reading that uses a phonetic rendering of the standard spelling system. [1/2 definitions]
phonogram a sign or symbol in a phonetic writing system such as shorthand, that represents a word, phrase, syllable, or speech sound.
phonography the practice of transcribing speech sounds into symbols; phonetic spelling, writing, or transcription. [2 definitions]
pronounce to show the pronunciation of (words) by transcribing into phonetic symbols. [1/7 definitions]
pronunciation a phonetic transcription showing how to pronounce a word, syllable, or other combination of letters. [1/4 definitions]
respell to spell again or in another way, such as in a phonetic system.
self-pronouncing having the pronunciation indicated with accent marks, diacritical marks, or the like on the original spelling rather than using phonetic symbols.
stenotype the symbols that represent the sounds, words, or phrases of phonetic shorthand. [1/2 definitions]
taxeme any of the minimal features in grammatical construction, such as word selection, word order, or phonetic modification.