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air curtain a draft of compressed air blown continuously across a doorway, usu. downward, to act as a door in maintaining interior temperature.
air pocket a downward air current that can cause an abrupt change, usu. a drop, in an aircraft's altitude.
anticline a formation of rock layers characterized by two downward slopes going in opposite directions from a central crest. (Cf. syncline.)
basin in geology, an area where rock strata tilt downward toward a common center. [1/6 definitions]
bibcock a faucet with a downward-bent nozzle.
bow1 to bend downward; stoop. [2/8 definitions]
chop1 to strike or strike at with a strong, swift, downward blow. [3/8 definitions]
come down to extend in a downward direction. [1/9 definitions]
cutaway of a coat, tapering downward from the waist toward the tails at the back. [1/4 definitions]
declination a movement, bend, or slope downward. [1/5 definitions]
decline to cause to slope downward. [4/10 definitions]
declivity a downward or descending slope. (Cf. acclivity.)
depressor any of various muscles that draw a part of the body downward. [1/3 definitions]
descend to move downward or to a lower position or state. [3/7 definitions]
descendent proceeding in a downward direction; descending. [1/2 definitions]
descent the act or process of going downward. [2/4 definitions]
dip to slope downward or appear to sink. [3/15 definitions]
dive to plunge or swoop downward rapidly, usu. headfirst. [1/12 definitions]
downbeat the downward motion of a conductor's hand or baton that signals the first beat of a measure. [1/3 definitions]
downdraft an air current that flows downward.
downgrade a slope downward, as in a road. [2/5 definitions]