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accident-prone tending or likely to have more than the average number or rate of accidents.
adhesive able or likely to adhere; clinging; sticky. [1/2 definitions]
appear to be likely to be true or to have happened. [1/5 definitions]
apt likely. [1/4 definitions]
at swords' points mutually hostile and likely to engage in combat; antagonistic.
auspicious likely to be followed by favorable events.
bargaining chip something that can be used in negotiating or making deals, esp. if likely to yield an advantage.
be going to used as an auxiliary verb to express a plan or intention to carry out some action, or to express a prediction of what seems likely to occur based on certain evidence.
brush fire a sudden outbreak of some threatening activity, as in a military situation, that is likely to spread if it is not controlled. [1/2 definitions]
bud1 a flower that has just begun to open or remains tight but will likely begin to open soon. [1/8 definitions]
calculated done or made after carefully estimating the likely result. [1/2 definitions]
candidate one who seems likely to achieve or suffer a particular end. [1/2 definitions]
changeable capable of changing; likely to change; variable; inconstant; fickle. [1/2 definitions]
collectible likely to be collected, as by a connoisseur or hobbyist. [2 definitions]
contingency a future event that is possible but not likely. [1/3 definitions]
contingent likely to happen, but not certain. [1/4 definitions]
crackly tending or likely to crackle; crisp.
creaky making or likely to make a creaking noise. [1/2 definitions]
crumbly likely to crumble; easily broken, esp. into crumbs.
cui bono the legal principle that the responsibility for a certain act is likely to lie with one who had something to gain as a result of that act. [1/2 definitions]
dangerous likely to cause or permit harm; full of risks; unsafe.