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Dictionary Suite
central city the city at about the center of a metropolitan area, as distinguished from suburbs and smaller towns.
metropolitan of or pertaining to an ecclesiastical metropolitan. [1/7 definitions]
nonmetropolitan combined form of metropolitan.
province (pl.) the sections of a country outside of its capital or large metropolitan areas (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/4 definitions]
rapid transit a system of metropolitan public transportation, such as a subway, that uses elevated and underground electric trains moving quickly and unimpeded through the city.
Scotland Yard the metropolitan police force of London, esp. the detective branch. [1/2 definitions]
subway an underground passenger train or rail system, usu. electric, operating in a large metropolitan area. [1/3 definitions]
underground (chiefly British) an underground passenger train or rail system, usu. electric, operating in a large metropolitan area; subway. [1/9 definitions]