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and plus. [1/3 definitions]
binomial in algebra, an expression made up of two terms with either a plus or a minus sign between them. [1/2 definitions]
come over to be conquered by a strange or unwelcome sensation (usu. fol. by "all" plus an adjective). [1/6 definitions]
cost-plus of or relating to an agreement or contract on the basis of cost-plus. [1/2 definitions]
login the identifying information necessary for entering a computer or network, usually consisting of a username plus password. [1/2 definitions]
might1 used to indicate what would be a possibility or would have been a possibility under a certain unreal condition (followed by "have" plus a past participle when referring to a possible action or state in the past). [1/5 definitions]
must1 used to express a logical probability or reasonable inference (followed by "have" plus a past participle when referring to an action or state in the past). [1/7 definitions]
plus the mathematical sign (+), indicating addition; plus sign. [1/7 definitions]
simple interest interest computed on principal only, rather than on accrued interest plus principal. (Cf. compound interest.)
trinomial an algebraic expression consisting of three terms that are connected by plus or minus signs. [1/4 definitions]