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abstract theoretical; not practical or applied. [1/13 definitions]
academic lacking immediate practical value; theoretical. [1/4 definitions]
antitheoretical combined form of theoretical.
graviton in physics, a theoretical particle that acts as the unit of gravitational energy.
nontheoretical combined form of theoretical.
realism an interest in or concern for what is real and true rather than abstract or theoretical. [1/3 definitions]
speculative engaging in or inclined to contemplative or theoretical thinking. [1/4 definitions]
tachyon a theoretical particle, smaller than an atom, that travels faster than the speed of light.
technocracy a theoretical system in which the research of scientists and technicians controls the economic and social decisions of a society. [1/2 definitions]
theoretician one whose specialty is the theory or theoretical aspect of a subject or field.
untheoretical combined form of theoretical.